Look In 2024

06 03 03 06 81 EXCL. 1 X AA EXCL. 1 X AA 47872 Ceas modern Ceasmodern cu funcţia click-sistempen- tru personalizare rapidă şi fără probleme. Wall clock with silver frame and click system Modernwall clockwith a clever click sys- tem for fast and trouble-free printing. Wewill print your logo on the removable plate. ø 33 × 4,5 cm | T3,UV | K 47871 Ceas interesant de perete Ceas interesant de perete cu hygrometru şi ter- mometru, cu funcţia click-sistempentru per- sonalizare rapidă şi fără probleme. Wall clock with hygrometer, ther- mometer and click system Fancywall clockwith hygrometer and thermometer, features a clever click system for fast and trouble-free printing. Wewill print your logo on the removable plate. 29,1 × 4 × 22,6 cm | T3,UV | K