Look In 2024
10 09 04 10 06 05 04 14 12 10 09 05 04 10 09 08 05 04 03 38 WRITING 11268 Pix alb cu clip colorat Pix din plastic alb cu clip colorat și mină cu cerneală albastră. Ballpen with colored clip White plastic ballpenwith coloured clip and blue-writing refill. Your logowill be printed to the right of the clip, on the shaft or clip. ø 1,1 × 13,9 cm | T1,UV | N 14445 Pix cu clip mâini 2D Pix din plastic cuminămare albastră, corp alb şi po- sibilitate de a alege între diferitemâini 2D. Ball pen with 2D hands clip Plastic ball penwith blue-writing refill and eye-catching hand clips in various designs, with the perfect space for expressive messages that will stay inmind. Print on the shaft 4.5 x 1.2 cm (allover print on request.) Print on the clipmax. 2.5 x 0.7 cm. ø 1 × 13,8 cm | T1,UV | P 14443 Pix cu clip cu deget arătător Pix din plastic cuminămare albastră, corp alb şi clip în formă de deget arătător. Creaţi-vă propriul slogan. Ball pen with finger pointer clip blue-writing plastic ball penwith various "finger po- inter" clips - especially suited for slogans and com- pany's name. Print on the shaft 4.5 x 1.2 cm(allover print on request.) Print on clipmax. 2.6 x 0.7 cm. ø 1 × 13,8 cm | T1,UV | P 17899 Pix plastic cu grip cauciucat Pix din plastic cu buton şi vârf dinme- tal, grip cauciucat şi minămare albastră. Plastic ball pen with white shaft and rubber grip zone Ball penwithpushmechanism, rubber grip zone, blue-writing refill, metal pusher and tip. Wewill print your logo on the shaft. ø 1 × 14,2 cm | T1,UV | P
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