Look In 2024

10 09 08 06 05 04 09 05 04 206 LEISURE, SPORTS & GAMES 58622 Squeeze ball, kneadable foam plastic Anti-stress squeezing ball made of kneada- ble foam plastic, relieve stress or train your hand muscles. The surface of the ball is the ideal space for your logo, your logo will be engraved. ø 6,3 cm | L2 3 × 1,5 | P 22718 Anti-stress football Anti-stress squeeze football made of foam. Exercise your hand muscles or simply relieve some stress. Your advertisement will be printed on the free white area. ø 5,6 cm | L2 ø 1,5 | P 51848 Squeeze ball in globe shape Squeeze ball in globe shape. Perfect to re- lieve stress and good for finger muscles. Your logo will be engraved onto the ball. ø 7 cm | L2 3 × 1,5 | P 93146 Fidget toy Fidget toy for squeezing, suitable for all ages. Ide- al for calming down or just for fun against boredom. Your logo will be engraved on the middle part. 12,6 × 12,6 × 1,4 cm | L2 3,4 × 3,4 | K